Monday, November 06, 2006

My First Post

So, here is my first post on my new blog. I decided to start using eblogger because I liked the look of their blogs better, and quite honestly, was hoping that now Amy can start posting comments on this blog. :) Love ya Ame! And you too Marie! And Sarah!

So, what's new in our house? Well, I am still pregnant. I'm at 33 weeks, and totally feeling like it. Not sleeping great (still), getting bigger by the minute, and anxious to meet our newest little one. I have my next appointment with the OB in a week, where I suspect we will decide whether to induce or not. At this point (especially after my last midwife appt.), I am definately leaning towards getting induced. The way the midwife put it was that my risks would be higher to not get induced than to get induced...due to the cholostasis. After thinking and praying about that over the last week, I think I agree with her. (rob too.) I just don't want to rush into any decisions though, especially because, selfishly, I would love to have this baby two whole weeks before Christmas. So, we won't make any final decisions until we hear what the OB has to say next week. Exciting times.

I was out birthday/Christmas shopping yesterday afternoon (kier and rob's b-day is on the 18th), and although I didn't buy much, I was definately feeling the stress of trying to stick within a tight budget. Sometimes I actually find it freeing to work within a budget, but realized yesterday that the budget we made for Christmas, for example, didn't include a budget for 'other stuff.' And by 'other stuff' I mean all the stuff that falls outside of the stuff for us individually, the kids and friends & family. Like, I was at WalMart and saw a Christmas cookie cutter set for $4...not a bad price, and I have wanted one for the past couple Christmases, but after I bought it, I realized I wasn't sure whose budget it should come out of...and then realized, there will probably be more things like that pop up, and I haven't organized things to be able to buy them as they come up. Not earth-shattering stuff, but definately a setback to my attempt to be responsible and organized this year.

Well, must go and feed the kiddies lunch. Hope to hear from you all soon!


Marie said...

Hi Angie! As I was updating my blog, I notice a new comment. I was soo excited since nobody reads my blog except for my sister. Well I'm glad that you read it too...or at least try to read it:) I read your's really funny cause in my profile I say that I like coffee, taking pictures and going to Value Village....weird:) Well have a good day. Try to get some rest before baby number 3 gets here.
Love you! Marie

Life With My Joys..... said...

Yeeeeeessss! This is more like it!!! How I love you my friend! I have been faithfully reading your blog - just not able to figure out how to post on the blasted thing. Now - this is fabulous! I can't believe you are as far along as you are! Oh my word - you are almost a mother of THREE!!! I'm just getting warmed up to being a Mommy of two sometime! Well - keep me posted on the whole inducing thing. That's the route we went with Kaden. (Not my choice, but it does have it's advantages. My labor was only two hours!) Keep me posted! I love you! - Amy

Angie said...

Thanks for being the first two to comment on my blog girls! Already this is more action than I've had on xanga in months. Marie, that's weird that we both put those things in our profile...maybe I'll change mine to say that I like tea, drawing pictures and going to the Salvation Army, so we're not so alike. :) Just jokin'! And, my darling Amy, so glad you can now post on my blog, I check yours probably once a day or every two days and would love to see some pics of the family. I will post some on mine really soon. I also wanna figure out how to put links to yours and Marie's blog on my page. Do you know how? Anyway, so glad to hear from both of you and hope this is the start of many more conversations via this blogging world that we'll have. Love you both!

sarah said...

So nice you love them BOTH let's not forget who is here at home watching you scrath ALL the time and moan and wabble and has to feed you all the time cause your so hungry and blah, blah but sure let's love THE friends from faaaaaaaaaar away and let's try to link THEM to your site boys I wish I had kept my mouth shut about this whole blog thing...... :)

Life With My Joys..... said...

Oh my word - whoever your friend Sarah is, she is toooo funny! Ha! I like her! -Amy