Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Santa Claus Parade Photo Frenzy

So, we went to the Milton Santa Claus Parade a couple of weeks ago. And, after several weeks without it, we finally had our camera back in our possession...and went a little camera crazy. I just downloaded the pics from the first half hour spent at the parade to our computer, and there were 65 pictures! Gotta love the digital cameras!

So, here's me and my little goofball. Sometimes, she reminds me so much of myself, it's scary.

And then I remember, I'm a pretty funny, it's not all bad. ;)
Here's one of the kids waiting with anticipation
for the parade to begin. It was definately a 'down
home' parade...there was everything from a guy
dressed up in a cheap Scooby-Doo suit, to a sixty
something woman, with a whole lotta makeup
dressed in a teeny tiny Mrs. Claus suit. Yikes!

And, here we are...all five of us! Pretty exciting that we will finally meet our new baby in just a few days! Yeah! :)

And, here is my girl with her daddy...yep, there he is...wrapped around her finger. It was so sad the other night when he had said goodbye to them as they were going to bed, 'cause he had to go to a meeting and then was flying out early the next morning. She cried and cried, but calmed down when he said he would call her on the phone while he was gone. Well, he left for his meeting, the kids are in bed, and I go upstairs to get something, and she comes out of her room, barely holding back tears, and politely says, "I would like to call my daddy on the phone now, please." My heart just about broke. So, after a little more crying and consoling, she went back to bed, with the knowledge that daddy would call her when she woke up the next day. And he did! Daddy....the hero. We miss you.


Anonymous said...

Awww...sweet pic's, Ang...Are you doing okay?! I was gonna call lastnight, but ended up going in town with Erin...I might be able to call tonight - not one of our hour long convo's maybe, least a chat...hope you're having a good day and doing alright. Love seeing the latest pictures...cute kids!!! Love ya, Ang!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Ange, it's Cheryl Johnson. I don't know if you remember me...I went to NBBI 1996-1997. I was in Rob's class. I happened upon your blog, and it was a total trip down memory lane! I hope you remember me, otherwise this is going to be weird, and I sound like a psycho. I would love to reconnect with you and Rob. I work for a youth mission organization and run mission trips in Toronto during the summer. I live in Vancouver, but I'm in Toronto quite a bit for work. It would be great to see you guys again, or at least hear what you're up to. There's an email link on my blog. Hope to hear from you soon!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Ang...sorry I missed your call lastnight -- we ended up going out to the new Dollarama...I'm in a total shopping mood these days!! Anyways...hope things are okay...I'll try to call you tonight. I don't know how life gets so busy - its ridiculous...and I've had enough of it!! I love you, though -- hope you are doing alright without Rob. Call me at work if you need me, okay?! 628-8513, ext.223. I love you!

Anonymous said...

If memory serves me're being induced TODAY!!...I'm gonna try to give you a quick call on my lunch break...Not sure if you'll be home still or not...but, I wanted you to know I was thinking about you. And love you very much, Ang!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear...I just wonder what is going on...wish I could be there, Ang...I tried to call you lastnight, even though I assumed everyone would be at the hospital...can't wait to hear the news...just wanted you to know I was thinking about you - and I love you!!!