Friday, November 11, 2011

Tears For Fears

My hubby is an avid 70's, 80's & early 90's music fan so today's blog title is a shout out to him. :)

So, the other night I was putting the older three kids to bed.  I had been pretty relaxed and let them stay up later than usual, so I was wanting bedtime to happen quickly.  

I had just tucked the girls in, and went into the kid's bathroom to check if they had left it in good shape.  Recently, I spoke with them about rinsing their toothbrushes when they were done, wiping down the sink of excess toothpaste, and just in general trying to not leave a big mess.  Everything looked great except for one cup, full of soap & water.  A potion.  :)  My kids enjoy mixing together anything they can get their hands on and someone had made a potion and forgot to dump it.  

No big deal.  I dumped it down the sink, only to realize after that they had also put toilet paper in it as well. Now the soggy toilet paper was clogging up the sink.  I cleaned up the mess and walked into Kier's room and asked if he had made the potion.  

"Ummm...potion??  Where?" he stammered.  "Kier, in the kids' bathroom.  Obviously you made it.  Please just tell me the truth."

"Ok.  I made it." he says.  "Well, please don't put toilet paper in it next time.  It's clogged up the sink, because I didn't know it was in there.  Ok?"

"Ummm...I didn't put any toilet paper in it, Mom.  One of the girls probably did."  So, off I go next door to the girls' room.  "Guys, which one of you put the toilet paper in the potion in the bathroom?"

Cait, ever so innocently:  "Not me, Mama."  Rory, very insistent: "I didn't either Mom.  I didn't do it!"

Hmmmmm....who do you think put the toilet paper in the potion?

Well, after many back and forth's between their room, I still didn't have an answer.  Now, someone was lying.  I told them that I didn't really care about the toilet paper.  At this point, I just wanted the truth.  I told them I was going to ask one more time, and if no one told me the truth, then all their blankies would be taken away.

No one fessed up.

So, amidst tears and sad eyes, I took all their blankies and headed downstairs.  I told them whenever someone wanted to tell the truth, to come down and talk to me.  

Ugh.  One of those 'this is so not fun' parenting moments.  

A couple minutes later,  my boy appears beside the couch.  Lip quivering, I can tell he's struggling with what to say.  Finally, he starts, "Mom.  I made the potion.  But...I didn't put the toilet paper in it.  But, Mom please just punish me.  I've told the girl's that I would take the blame.  Please Mom.  They are in their beds, crying so much.  I can't take hearing them so sad.  So, please Mom, just punish me.  Keep my blankie.  You can even take my pillow."

Guess who started crying then?  Yep.  Me.

In the end, Rory fessed up shortly after.  We were huddled in a heap, everyone crying, when Daddy walked in from his meeting.  Needless to say, we all learned lessons that night.

"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about." 


Kristi said...

awww, those little darlin's....i hope they all got their blankie's back...and some extra cuddles...what a boy, that Kier...good fella ya got there. Can't wait to see all you guys.

Rachael said...

Oh, Ang...this post brought some serious tears to my eyes!! What an incredible young man in the works. (Makes me hopeful for all my girls future hubby's!) My kids teach and humble me almost daily...there's truly so many life lessons we're learning from them, eh?! Wish I could meet your little troop some day!

Life With My Joys..... said...

aw. so so sweet. i love your boy...and his rockin' hair. Such a sweet post. So glad you're writing again. Fun to see your babes. love you love you, girl. Wish I could meet your kiddos, too.