Wednesday, April 04, 2007

What's new?

well, it's been a long time since I've updated, so here are a few updates from the past few weeks in the Stanley house:
--Rory turned 3 years old...kinda hit me hard--probably something to do with the fact that her little sister looks just like her...and it seems like only yesterday that Rory was my baby
--Cait is now 3.5 months, and getting soo's actually a little depressing how quickly she's growning and changing
--I've been hanging out with Marie alot--while her sister has been livin' it up in California with her hubby...lucky duck! ;)--and it's been so nice spending time with my sweet friend again
--my house has been all of the following over the past few week: clean, filthy, (almost) spotless, disgusting, dirty, and tidy...and the cycle continues...
--i've enjoyed reconnecting with some long lost friends and 'others' ;) on, although the novelty does wear off rather quickly...but still, kinda neat to see where everyone ended up
--i've craved time with my hubby like no other time in our marriage, yet this is a stage where we just can't seem to get it--whether because of finances, babies, kids, church, etc...--it's just not working out and hope that ends soon
--watched George S. from 'The Hour' (a canadian talk show host) interview an older lady who is dying of cancer...and loved listening as she described her marriage of 63 years: 'i feel like we've had about 7 marriages all in one--there's the romantic one, which usually doesn't last long, the busy one, with little kids running around, the boring one....and now, it's the tender one...he looked at me the other day and said,'you can't have a great butt.' we just cuddle and touch each other with so much tenderness's just very sweet.'
--i've cried after another frustrating conversation with my hubby, during a time where we just seem to be on different wavelengths in just about every area of our life, no matter how hard we try to be on the same page
--i've laughed until almost crying after watching my oldest two kids, wrestle and hug and kiss each other, while rolling around on the floor
--i've had moments of poignancy, watching my son walk beside his dad--where he looked so small, yet so tall and grown up all at the same time
--i've been discouraged, elated, rested, exhausted, thoughtful, carefree, so sad, so happy...and that was all in one day..., that's been life here in our house...amazing how so much yet not alot can happen in just a few short weeks.

how are you all doing?


Anonymous said...

Ang...this is the first time in days I've been on the computer...aww, Ang...wish we could talk...why do we always wish we could talk when we can't?! And when we can, something stupid, like American Idol!!, gets in the way!! I miss you, my friend. Let's talk soon. I love you - and hope you are having a good Easter with your sweet little family!!!

Anonymous said...

this was the best post. loved it. tears are in my eyes. you are good. erin b