Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cardboard Spatula Clown Hockey

Oh ya...this sport does exist! I think it may have just been invented this morning, right here in my very own home! Not quite sure of all the in's and out's yet, but I do know all you need is a large piece of cardboard, a spatula, & a clown head.

Check out the form of the boy versus the girl...what a girl!!

I love watching them use their imagination. It always ends up being an interesting, fun time! And lately, it's been rare that we can all just relax on a Saturday morning and just do whatever we want...and I love it.


Anonymous said...

Awwww...FINALLY!!!!, Ang...thanks for updating!!! What little cutie-pies you have....really...they look like they have tonnes of personality!!! (Like their momma and daddy!!) cute...miss ya, Ang...hope you are having a splendid day -- will talk to you again soon....

Life With My Joys..... said...

Ang! I love that Keiran is in his underwear! I swear - Kaden would prefer to LIVE in his skivvies! We've had to come up with a rule that when company is over he can't ask to take off his pants!!! Seriously.