Wednesday, November 07, 2007


My beautiful daughter made my night last night, with an observation only a child could get away with.

I was putting them to bed and Rory looks at me, with eyes wide in amazement..."I know! I know what's going on! You're having another baby! See?!?! (now pointing to my not-quite-flat stomach) There's a baby there!"

Ok. So, now I'm off to exercise.


Anonymous said...

So Ange Stand how's the exercise going ;) I want to keep encouraging you because I think I would benefit a lot if you had a little more flexibility and stamina when we work! who knows you might get more then a bathroom done if you were in a better shape.... so keep up the good work you ROCK GIRLFRIEND!!! xooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxooxox Good job on the shower ;) you do amazing work.

Anonymous said...

Aww, Ang...I think you're beautiful...and your AFTER-baby weight is still much less than my BEFORE-baby weight...oh well...

I didn't get to talk to you lastnight...and we're actually leaving tonight when we get home from work -- depending on how fast we can pack!!!

So, I guess I'll talk to you when we get back...I'll send you a quick facebook message...

I love ya.

Life With My Joys..... said...

Dearest! Hast thou died? Write on, dear friend! It's the only way I'm staying in touch with you! I LOVE you!

P.S. Kaden thought the vics on the feet was a hoot! He kept saying: "This is CRAZY, Mommy!"

Anonymous said...

Ang...are you ever blogging again, dear friend?! Please - we miss you...I miss you...

Life With My Joys..... said...

ARE YOU DEAD??????????? Or are you just crazy busy with life and three wee ones? I love you my friend! Merry Late Christmas and Happy Late New Year! Kris - if you read the posts - you ROCK at posting comments, my friend! Love you both!

Anonymous said...

You must be back, are you?!...oh my word, Ang, I hope you had a wonderful, wonderful time in Mexico...can't wait to hear all about it (well...not 'all' about it...wink, wink!)...(that sounds more like something YOU'D say to ME, doesn't it?! ha ha)...we'll probably chat this week...but, on the off-chance that you check this very out-dated blog...I thought I'd leave you a comment...please update - post pictures, witty stories...just SOMETHING...keep me entertained!!! (My job is boring, can you tell?!)...I love ya, and look forward to chatting...we're out tonight and tomorrow night, but should be home most of the weekend, I think (we do our partying through the week now!) to ya soon, Ang...

Anonymous said...

Ang, I'm thinking you may not check your blog anymore - and I'll probably actually end up talking to you before you read this - but, just wanted to say Hello...I don't get on facebook much - and can't get on it from work, unfortunately, but - I did catch a glimpse of your pic's from Mexico - looks like you guys had a great you're back to the cold...geeze...

So, hopefully we'll get to chat this weekend...hope you're settling back into the normal routine of life...always kinda nice in some ways after a trip, huh?!...hope you're doing well, and not sick because of the culture difference or anything...I'll probably talk to you this weekend....I love ya, Ang - hope you have a great day.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, Ang...give us an us some pics of your beautiful family...(for those of us not-so-blessed to be on facebook every day!)...

Life With My Joys..... said...