Well, as most of you have heard by now, we just had another baby girl, Monday at 11:35pm. Her name is
Cait Isabel Stanley, and she weighs 7 lbs, and is 19 inches long. Cait is the Irish spelling of the name Kate and Isabel is after my grandmother. She is so cute and sweet and we are so happy to finally have her here! I'll post more details soon, but for now, here's some pics! Enjoy! Here's one we took the night before I went in to be induced...my boy and girl spending time with their new sister for the last time via my belly. And here's one of Rob and I just an hour before we met our newest baby girl!! (and just moments before the smile was completely wiped off my face...ouch!!!)

Here's Cait Isabel Stanley, just seconds after joining us here on the outside! It was so good to finally hold her! I'm sure you can see the relief on my face. :)

Oh, Angie....
She's so sweet...I'm so glad to see this little girl, even if it is over the internet!! What a cutie (I'm tearing up!)...So glad she arrived safe and sound...that's awesome, Ang!! Congradulations again on the arrival of your new little girl!! Can't wait to meet her!! I'm so happy for you guys!! Now, you take care of yourself, okay?!...try to get some rest and take of you!!! It was nice to talk to you lastnight -- we'll have to try again soon ...before Christmas, okay?! Well, Ang -- I love you -- and, congradulations again...Cait...can't wait to meet you!! (Great name, by the way!!)...Much love, Ang...
oops...typo -- take "CARE" of you, should be!! lol. you know what I meant!!
Can't wait to see more pictures!! (Hint-hint!!) Hope you're feeling okay - you be careful, okay?!
Angie! Congratulations. She is very cute:) I hope that you are doing good. Hopefully my sister is helping you out:) Anyways take care of you and can't wait to see you in a couple weeks. Marie
Hey again, Ang...I keep hoping you'll put some new pictures up! I'll give you some grace, though...I'm sure you have much better things to do these days!! I love ya -- I'll talk to you soon, hopefully!
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