Monday, December 04, 2006

Crazy Times

(Please note: the following post is long and pictureless and a little boring, but thought this was the best way to keep you all updated on what's been going, make a cup of tea before reading...this one's a doosey!)

Well, it's been awhile since I've updated. It's definately been an interesting couple of weeks. I've definately been 'nesting' for the past few weeks (for those of you not familiar with this cheesy 'pregnancy' term, this means I've been going crazy reorganizing and cleaning with no end in sight). Almost every room/cupboard/closet in my house has been gutted and reorganized...and believe needed it! I got rid of 3 1/2 bags of clothes and shoes from our bedroom closet and dresser alone. It's amazing the ugly, completely out of style clothes I've held onto for years...I think I kept trying to convince myself that they would eventually come back into style. Let's just say...they haven't. We even painted my upstairs hallway, with the help of my wonderful sister Dawn. It was so due to be painted and looks sooo much better now!

But, the only downside to this whole nesting thing is that I am about 90% of the way finished with all the tasks I wanted to do, and now...I'm exhausted and don't want to do anything else. Except, the things that are left are things like going through my baby clothes from my other two, washing and folding and putting them away for this one, packing my bag/baby bag and, oh ya, finishing my Christmas shopping and beginning wrapping my gifts. So, perhaps not the best planning as far as what I got done when, but what can you do.

So, found out on Friday that we are booked to get induced ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! Yeah! December 11th. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that we will have the baby on that day, due to lots of different reasons, but at least we know that the countdown is on. I'm a little nervous to get induced, just because I never have been before and I'm not sure what to expect. Except pain. And lots of it.

And now to add to the anticipation/nervousness of the arrival of our baby, we received some news about Rob's dad on Friday and are waiting to see what's gonna happen over the next few weeks. I hesitated to post about this, and will only post a few details, but wanted to let you guys know and figured this was the fastest way to do so. Anyway, Rob's dad is in the hospital in Saint John and due to diabetic complications, is not doing well at all. So, Rob is flying out first thing Wednesday morning to spend most of the week with him and flying back Saturday night, in time for church on Sunday morning and to have the baby on Monday. Crazy times. We're not sure if our plans for Christmas will be changed yet or not (my whole family is arriving here for Christmas this year)...we're just gonna wait until Rob gets down to NB and sees his dad and talks to the doctors face to face. But, if you think of us, we definately would appreciate some prayers, especially for Rob's time with his dad.

Well, I apologize for the long, pictureless post, but still working on getting our camera to work and not having much luck. Love ya girls!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Ang...yikes...crazy stuff always happens in clumps, doesn't it?! I will be praying for Rob's dad...and for you, you dear little thing, up there waiting for baby #3 to arrive. Maybe we can talk while Rob's gone -- you call me if you need to, okay?! Good grief!! least you have an idea of when the baby is coming...he/she better not decide to come any earlier!! I hope Rob's dad will be okay....hope Rob will have a really good visit with him...I'll be praying.

Listen -- I love ya -- maybe we'll talk this week.

sarah said...

You forgot to mention that your really good friend makes you babysit her monster of a child for a day, now I know how to treat you xo Have a good day, with Mélanie...