My son is truly the most amazing, funny, smart, gorgeous, imaginative boy I know. He makes me proud to be his mom every day. I cannot believe that he is five years old already. It truly seems like it was only yesterday that he was my sweet, long skinny beautiful baby...and now look at him. He is growing up so fast, and to be honest, lately I have felt like I'm missing out on alot of his life. I've been so busy with Cait, and all that comes along with a newborn, as well as just trying to get us through this time of transition as a family, that we haven't had a whole lot of one on one time.
So, today I just snuggled up in bed with him and just listened...for over 45 minutes. He just could not stop talking--telling me all about his friends at school and the 'bad decisions' they make...and how he sometimes makes bad decisions too...telling me a secret that he hasn't told anybody else, and just loving the fact that I was listening to him...and only him.
I must say that it was a hard time for me. Not to sit and listen for 45 minutes...I absolutely loved that. But, you should have seen his face...his eyes were sparkling and if he needed to go get something, he would look at me and tell me I couldn't leave...that he'd be right back. The reason it was so hard for me was because although I knew that these past three months have been tough on us as a family, and that I haven't spent much quality time with the older two as I usually do and love to....I was truly hoping that they hadn't really noticed. That it hadn't affected them that much. But, after today, I saw...that it had. And it made me sad. Even though I truly believe that accepting a new sibling into the family is really one of the greatest gifts I can give my kids--I was sad that my son has felt disconnected from me.
And then later, when I asked Kier and Rory what their favorite part of today was...Kier answered, quickly and with his eyes sparkling again, "Talking to you."
And I cried. And I'm crying now. But, it's a good cry. I finally feel reconnected with my baby boy...and that fills my heart truly to overflowing.
I love you, my sweet, sweet boy.
Aww, Ang...what a cutie...I love how much you love your kiddos...they are lucky kids having you for a momma!! Hope you're having a good day today...I can't believe how long its been since we've chatted...hope to chat this week...
i just want you to know i am crying too. i am literally crying. that was the sweetest story ever. i can't wait to have a little boy someday!!! miss ya sis.
erin bredin
I've been wanting to say that I also cried your sappy mommy. I went to kiss Emma the other night when I came back from my girls night out because she had cried herself to sleep that I was leaving. so in the morning, she said " I felt you kissing me last night" but she had never woken up so It's pretty amazing how they feel us and the love we give time. I will miss you and I hope you have fun and get all creative :) We'll have to do coffee as soon as I get back if I don't swim away into the deep ocean :) Looooooooove me xx
Hey, Ang...nice to chat the other night...glad you got to talk to Lorianne, too...I hope she DOES tell us when that baby is born!!! (we'll likely hear about it when the kid is entering kindergarten!) (I'm even being generous saying kindergarten...probably more like college!)...anyways...nice to chat...we'll get this "shorter conversations" thing down, Ang...we'll just keep trying!! ha ha!! I saw the pic of Cait and the other kiddos...very cute kids, Ang!! I love that you said "you'd love Rory, Kristi...she's just like me!!" Ha ha!! I miss you, Ang...hope you have a great weekend!
Hello you:) I miss you, I am in my father in law's office on Sunday night keeping Joe busy from the service quite interesting as the whole church is 50 and up. We are having a great time the weather is gorgeous and I got all burned today :( Well it's over I'll talk to you later xox Sarah
It's nice when you can cry over good things But look out I'm an old Father that has lost 2 children so I cried for the losses may you never have to do that The best of Everything for you and yours
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