But, the one thing that I hadn't settled on up until recently was her nickname. See, for those of you who know me, I have this habit of shortening names...Kristi is Kris or even K, Amy is Ame (sounds like 'Aim'), Sarah is Sare, Marie is Mare, and so on and so forth. I followed this trend with my own kids...Kieran being Kier and Bubba, Rory being Ror (sounds like 'roar') and baby girl...but Cait...well, not too easy to shorten her name and I do not want to call her caitie. So, just thought I'd see what names came naturally as she was around for the first little while, and was quite suprised at some of them. But, I've settled on some...so here, in no particular order, are my baby girl Cait's nicknames (and a few pics too!):
(think these came from 'sweety' but ended up without the 's')

(I know, I know...boogers? It just comes out...and sounds cute too!)

(we used to call my little sister 'boo' so this one comes naturally)
OH Ang - she is just so precious! What a little doll - so petite and feminine! I would LOVE to chat with you sometime. These days my life is pretty sporatic and random between school, babysitting, and housecleaning. Monday and every other Wednesday morning we're usually hanging out at home. Otherwise, just try whenever you are home and available, and we'll just play tag for awhile.
Hey, can you answer some marriage questions for my research project on my blog? I could use your 8 years + 3 kids wisdom and insight. Tell your friends to respond, too!
Love you and miss you!
Hey Ang,
Cait is so sweet. I can't believe that she's getting so big already. Oh, by the way, I started a blog too.
Luv Ya,
Nad =0)
now booger is not a name you want carried into elemantary school and you know it would carry. ask pie macphee...he will contest to crazy childhood nicknames being carried ont to well...present day. soo think twice about that one.
love erin bredin
I like Boo! So cute
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