Saturday, March 03, 2007

Steel Cut

I love Saturday mornings. My hubby is usually not in a rush to get up and go (until at least 8:30), and the older two are usually happy to watch shows for an hour or, as was the case this morning, build a fort in their room until Mommy and Daddy finally get up. Our baby has been an amazing sleeper lately! Example: she went to bed at 9:00 last night, woke up at 3:30 to eat, then right back to sleep, up at 6:30 to eat, then again, right back to sleep...and then woke up at 9:00 to eat, and was up, with smiles and giggles to start the day. My favorite way to wake up.
And so in my mind, a lazy morning requires a nice, relaxed breakfast to keep the mood going for as long as possible. Most mornings, we are not able to eat together as a family, as daddy is out of the house by 7:00am most mornings. So, Saturdays is often the one morning that we can not rush as fast into the day, and I definately milk it all I can!! ;)
So, this morning, I decided to start us all off with a grapefruit--a big deal, seeing as my 3 year old is in the stage where everything that's put in front of her is, amazingly, something she doesn't like. But, she at least tried a couple bites, while daddy and kier gobbled 3 up between the two of 'em. Then, onto the main course...steel cut oats! (hence the odd title). I heard Dr. Oz talk about these on Oprah awhile good they were for you, but couldn't remember the name for the longest time. Then, the other day while grocery shopping with the kids, I came around the corner and there, in a huge display of a new 'blue menu' items at the superstore, was big tins of Steel Cut Oats--and there I was...saying out loud to my kids and anyone else who was listening, "Steel Cut!! That's what it was! Steel Cut Oats!" So, I bought a tin and we finally tried them this morning. They were pretty good....for oatmeal.
You see, I've never been a fan of oatmeal--the consistency and taste mainly. But, I've decided that from now on, I will eat and try things, even if I don't think I'll like them--especially if their good for me. And, these are supposedly very good for you...
"Steel-Cut Oats are whole grain groats (the inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into two or three pieces using steel discs. Golden in colour and resembling mini rice particles, they are as nature intended – nothing added and nothing taken out. Grains are essential to a healthy lifestyle and form the foundation of the food pyramid. Steel-Cut oats are inherently full of nutritional value and are high in B-Vitamins, calcium, protein and fiber while low in salt and unsaturated fat. One cup of Steel-Cut oatmeal contains more fiber than a bran muffin and twice as much fibre as Cream of Wheat."
Well, that's the news here. Tell me what yoru favorite day/time of the week is and why. It's always fun to read about the special moments happening in your homes!

1 comment:

Life With My Joys..... said...

Great picture! Looks yummy, too! I hear ya on the Saturdays. They are our "holy day." Seriously. It is our one family day that we jealously hold sacred. Kev and Kaden usually make a fun breakfast, and then we usually kick it somewhere for the day. Tons of fun. Today, we went to a state park about 45 minutes away - took a picnic, went for a walk, watched the water, played on the playground, and just explored. Then, we all came home and took a three hour nap! That's the life, eh? Sundays are wild for us, as I'm sure they're even worse for you, so Saturdays are the BEST!! I love you so much! Keep up with the posts! Good times!