My beautiful daughter made my night last night, with an observation only a child could get away with.
I was putting them to bed and Rory looks at me, with eyes wide in amazement..."I know! I know what's going on! You're having another baby! See?!?! (now pointing to my not-quite-flat stomach) There's a baby there!"
Ok. So, now I'm off to exercise.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Cardboard Spatula Clown Hockey
Oh ya...this sport does exist! I think it may have just been invented this morning, right here in my very own home! Not quite sure of all the in's and out's yet, but I do know all you need is a large piece of cardboard, a spatula, & a clown head.

I love watching them use their imagination. It always ends up being an interesting, fun time! And lately, it's been rare that we can all just relax on a Saturday morning and just do whatever we want...and I love it.
Friday, September 14, 2007
My Beautiful Ballerina
Here's our beautiful girl listening intently to her ballet teacher,
Ms. Rachel, during her first ballet class. It was so cute to see
her in this setting, as she can be rather shy sometimes; she
definately wasn't shy here!
Ms. Rachel, during her first ballet class. It was so cute to see
her in this setting, as she can be rather shy sometimes; she
definately wasn't shy here!
She really was this excited! Her eyes were all sparkly and
she just danced around the lobby with her friend, Niamh (below)
until their class began.
We've been practicing this move alot. :) She is also in love with
her outfit, which she wore the entire day, even during her nap!
I love her.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Um, what was that now?
So, I was getting ready this morning for a busy day of errand-running, and while I was getting dressed, Kier and Rory were both talking to Cait. Well, they started out talking to her, then that quickly evolved to fighting each other for her attention. This is how the scene looked, and how it ended, with a suprising question from my oldest girl:
Kier: She's (Cait) looking at me!
Rory: No, she's looking at me! Hi Cait!! (said loudly, in falsetto voice)
Kier: Hey boo-boo! Yep, she's looking at me!
Rory: No, she's looking at me!
Me: Guys! Stop that! She loves both of you...just back up a little and give her some time to look at both of you.
Kier: Hey boo-boo!
Rory: (quiet for a moment, and then the question:) Mommy, when can we go back to the doctor and come home with a baby BOY!?!?!
Me: (speechless for a moment, then...) Are you guys serious? You really want another baby?!
Kier & Rory: (without hesitation) YES!
Kier: She's (Cait) looking at me!
Rory: No, she's looking at me! Hi Cait!! (said loudly, in falsetto voice)
Kier: Hey boo-boo! Yep, she's looking at me!
Rory: No, she's looking at me!
Me: Guys! Stop that! She loves both of you...just back up a little and give her some time to look at both of you.
Kier: Hey boo-boo!
Rory: (quiet for a moment, and then the question:) Mommy, when can we go back to the doctor and come home with a baby BOY!?!?!
Me: (speechless for a moment, then...) Are you guys serious? You really want another baby?!
Kier & Rory: (without hesitation) YES!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Like mommy, like daughter? Yikes!
Maybe it's the fact that I'm trying to grow her bangs out, so her hair is (often) off her face...she doesn't have her token little girl bangs anymore. Or maybe it's because her hair is quite long now, and she enjoys flipping it around as she vividly describes what game we're going to play next.
Or, maybe, just maybe, it's the amazing and spunky personality she has, and has just recently begun 'sharing' with all who come in contact with her.
Here are some examples of Rory, tellin' it like it is (again, not sure who she gets this from...;).
--just today, i'm getting dressed, and she's dancing in my room...all the while complimenting me on each piece of clothing i'm putting on...'i like your pink underwear mommy...i like your brown skirt mommy...' and then, the funniest one: 'i like your, um, black booby holder mommy.'
--just yesterday, my great friend sarah was here visiting. i leave the room for one minute and come back to sarah, laughing, telling me that rory informed sarah that cait didn't like her because of her black hair. Yeesh!
--sunday night at our church softball game, rory was positive that kieran's missing glove had somehow made it's way into the stranger's bag who was sitting next to us. She was so convinced that the man actually unzipped his bag, took everything out, and showed it to her!! Even then, I think she was still convinced that her brother's glove was still in his bag! What a girl!
But even though I know it's gonna be a long process of teaching my daughter to have a filter on those thoughts and words of hers, I absolutely love her personality! She makes me smile so much every day...just by watching her dance, or play with her dolls, or make silly jokes with her brother, or how she will just throw herself into her daddy's arms for a much-needed hug fest! So many times I feel overwhelmed at the responsibility of raising these three beautiful kids...and just pray that I'm doing a good job...but when I see my little girl literally chasing a butterfly for 10 minutes today in the field, my heart is so full it almost explodes.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
A Day of Firsts
Yesterday was a big day for my littlest girl. We decided it was time to try cerel and cookies and a bottle...lots of fun!!! None went over great, but we'll try again today!

So, after her big morning of firsts, we decided to go to our favorite park, Lowville, to enjoy the beautiful day! Another was the first time we went there since Cait joined our family.

Here's Cait getting ready for her first taste of cereal...
And, it's in...
Oops...out it comes!
And here she is taking her first bites of a Farley cookie...liked this better than the cereal.So, after her big morning of firsts, we decided to go to our favorite park, Lowville, to enjoy the beautiful day! Another was the first time we went there since Cait joined our family.
Here she is in a swing for the first time...she loved it!
And finally, here's our baby resting after an exciting day of cereal, cookies and swings!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Happy Birthday K!
Unfortunately, no cute pics for this post, but wanted to wish Kristi a very HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY!!!
I'm gonna try to go call you now, but just wanted to let the world know what a special day today is!
I love you Kris.
I'm gonna try to go call you now, but just wanted to let the world know what a special day today is!
I love you Kris.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Which is more edible?
I know which one I'd pick!! Those lips, those my good friend Sarah, and Rachel Ray would say, 'YUMM-O!' I've just been a little infatuated with my baby since she got sick yesterday...I was up most of last night with her, and her temperature was at 102.9 most of the night. So scary. Not fun. But, thankfully, it's been holding around 99 all day, so I hope she's on the road to getting better.
There's not a whole lot worse as a mom, when your baby wakes up in the night, crying, and when you pick them up, they are hot. Everywhere. Am I the only one that touches every part of their body to make sure that it really is a fever, and that they just don't happen to be toasty warm under that blanket? I hate fevers. I know they're good, and they mean their little body is fighting off the bad stuff, but I still hate them.
Ok, so now onto the #2 edible picture on my blog: that is a picture of our Easter dinner this year. Unfortunately, ham and scallop potatoes aren't a big hit here (except me), so this is what I came up with for dinner this year and it was soooooo good!! Just a mish-mash of breads, hummus, tomatoes, prosciutto, kolbassa, veggies, olives, cheeses, and the favorite: baby dills!! I watched 'Everyday Italian' and 'Barefoot Contessa' on the food network today with Rory, and loved it!! It had been awhile since we vegged on the couch and watched tv together, and she absolutely loved the shows!!! She was practically crying when the commercials would come on! She asked to make salmon, after watching Ina make it, and wanted to make circle cookies like Giada. I'm at the very end of my groceries, and desperately need to go shopping, but am glad that I saw how much she enjoyed these shows, and am inspired to cook more with her.
Well, it's late and now I'm not only hungry for dill pickles, I am craving kissing my baby, so must go and commit the unthinkable: wake up a sleeping baby!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007 me
We had a really great Easter weekend. Not too busy, but still hung out with family and friends quite a bit. Rob had the great idea on Good Friday, for us to watch 'Narnia' as a family. It's a little intense and scary, but we knew Rory wouldn't stay attentive for longer than the first half hour, and we knew that Kier was ready to see a movie like this. Especially because of the fact that it was Easter and we were doing alot of explaining about Jesus dying and rising again---what better movie to watch then Narnia. It was just so amazing to watch him clue into how what Aslan did really resembled what Jesus did for us. He was very sad that they were going to kill aslan, and could hardly wait for him to come back to life. When he finally did come back to life, Kier had this huge smile on his face and he visibly relaxed in his body language.
After seeing him so visibly relieved, and myself being quite emotional after watching the movie, I got thinking why I was able to get emotional watching a fictious movie, yet struggled at how to internalize the gravity of what Jesus did for me...hence, the celebration of Easter.
So, over the Easter weekend, people kept making jokes about how the weather was more suited to Christmastime...and while I was processing the whole Easter thing, this 'Christmas' phrase kept echoing in my head: "Peace on earth." we know this was a phrase the angels said when Jesus was born. I then thought about what I saw on Kier's face when Aslan came back to life...then thought of why I had no issue with my child seeing a movie with scariness and meanness and an evil witch...because I knew Aslan was coming...I knew they would kill Aslan, but that he would also come back to life....and then I put all of these seemingly random thoughts together...
Jesus came to bring peace on earth--ie: peace in me. Kier's 'peace' didn't come from Aslan dying--anyone could've done that--it was in his coming to life again that he felt peace. I had peace letting my son watch the extreme evilness in the movie because the exact opposite--goodness and hope--were even that much more evident against such evilness.
And then I realized, that whenever I walk through my day choosing to feel anything other than the peace I've accepted, the peace that Jesus brought through his birth, life, and death...I am basically failing to recognize that that is the whole reason He came to die--so that, no matter what happens in my life I can have this peace...the peace on earth the angels sang about...the peace I have because he is alive. When I choose to live without acknowleding this peace...and choose to feel discontent, bitter, hurt,'s like i'm saying to God, 'thanks but no thanks'...I don't want your peace...I think (insert thing/person here) will satisfy me more.
Now, unfortunately, I know that there will be millions more times in my life where I will choose to live in anything other than His peace, but I know I will never forget how, over this particular Easter season, I finally realized that His Peace is in me...I just need to acknowledge it and choose to live in it.
After seeing him so visibly relieved, and myself being quite emotional after watching the movie, I got thinking why I was able to get emotional watching a fictious movie, yet struggled at how to internalize the gravity of what Jesus did for me...hence, the celebration of Easter.
So, over the Easter weekend, people kept making jokes about how the weather was more suited to Christmastime...and while I was processing the whole Easter thing, this 'Christmas' phrase kept echoing in my head: "Peace on earth." we know this was a phrase the angels said when Jesus was born. I then thought about what I saw on Kier's face when Aslan came back to life...then thought of why I had no issue with my child seeing a movie with scariness and meanness and an evil witch...because I knew Aslan was coming...I knew they would kill Aslan, but that he would also come back to life....and then I put all of these seemingly random thoughts together...
Jesus came to bring peace on earth--ie: peace in me. Kier's 'peace' didn't come from Aslan dying--anyone could've done that--it was in his coming to life again that he felt peace. I had peace letting my son watch the extreme evilness in the movie because the exact opposite--goodness and hope--were even that much more evident against such evilness.
And then I realized, that whenever I walk through my day choosing to feel anything other than the peace I've accepted, the peace that Jesus brought through his birth, life, and death...I am basically failing to recognize that that is the whole reason He came to die--so that, no matter what happens in my life I can have this peace...the peace on earth the angels sang about...the peace I have because he is alive. When I choose to live without acknowleding this peace...and choose to feel discontent, bitter, hurt,'s like i'm saying to God, 'thanks but no thanks'...I don't want your peace...I think (insert thing/person here) will satisfy me more.
Now, unfortunately, I know that there will be millions more times in my life where I will choose to live in anything other than His peace, but I know I will never forget how, over this particular Easter season, I finally realized that His Peace is in me...I just need to acknowledge it and choose to live in it.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
What's new?
well, it's been a long time since I've updated, so here are a few updates from the past few weeks in the Stanley house:
--Rory turned 3 years old...kinda hit me hard--probably something to do with the fact that her little sister looks just like her...and it seems like only yesterday that Rory was my baby
--Cait is now 3.5 months, and getting soo's actually a little depressing how quickly she's growning and changing
--I've been hanging out with Marie alot--while her sister has been livin' it up in California with her hubby...lucky duck! ;)--and it's been so nice spending time with my sweet friend again
--my house has been all of the following over the past few week: clean, filthy, (almost) spotless, disgusting, dirty, and tidy...and the cycle continues...
--i've enjoyed reconnecting with some long lost friends and 'others' ;) on, although the novelty does wear off rather quickly...but still, kinda neat to see where everyone ended up
--i've craved time with my hubby like no other time in our marriage, yet this is a stage where we just can't seem to get it--whether because of finances, babies, kids, church, etc...--it's just not working out and hope that ends soon
--watched George S. from 'The Hour' (a canadian talk show host) interview an older lady who is dying of cancer...and loved listening as she described her marriage of 63 years: 'i feel like we've had about 7 marriages all in one--there's the romantic one, which usually doesn't last long, the busy one, with little kids running around, the boring one....and now, it's the tender one...he looked at me the other day and said,'you can't have a great butt.' we just cuddle and touch each other with so much tenderness's just very sweet.'
--i've cried after another frustrating conversation with my hubby, during a time where we just seem to be on different wavelengths in just about every area of our life, no matter how hard we try to be on the same page
--i've laughed until almost crying after watching my oldest two kids, wrestle and hug and kiss each other, while rolling around on the floor
--i've had moments of poignancy, watching my son walk beside his dad--where he looked so small, yet so tall and grown up all at the same time
--i've been discouraged, elated, rested, exhausted, thoughtful, carefree, so sad, so happy...and that was all in one day..., that's been life here in our house...amazing how so much yet not alot can happen in just a few short weeks.
how are you all doing?
--Rory turned 3 years old...kinda hit me hard--probably something to do with the fact that her little sister looks just like her...and it seems like only yesterday that Rory was my baby
--Cait is now 3.5 months, and getting soo's actually a little depressing how quickly she's growning and changing
--I've been hanging out with Marie alot--while her sister has been livin' it up in California with her hubby...lucky duck! ;)--and it's been so nice spending time with my sweet friend again
--my house has been all of the following over the past few week: clean, filthy, (almost) spotless, disgusting, dirty, and tidy...and the cycle continues...
--i've enjoyed reconnecting with some long lost friends and 'others' ;) on, although the novelty does wear off rather quickly...but still, kinda neat to see where everyone ended up
--i've craved time with my hubby like no other time in our marriage, yet this is a stage where we just can't seem to get it--whether because of finances, babies, kids, church, etc...--it's just not working out and hope that ends soon
--watched George S. from 'The Hour' (a canadian talk show host) interview an older lady who is dying of cancer...and loved listening as she described her marriage of 63 years: 'i feel like we've had about 7 marriages all in one--there's the romantic one, which usually doesn't last long, the busy one, with little kids running around, the boring one....and now, it's the tender one...he looked at me the other day and said,'you can't have a great butt.' we just cuddle and touch each other with so much tenderness's just very sweet.'
--i've cried after another frustrating conversation with my hubby, during a time where we just seem to be on different wavelengths in just about every area of our life, no matter how hard we try to be on the same page
--i've laughed until almost crying after watching my oldest two kids, wrestle and hug and kiss each other, while rolling around on the floor
--i've had moments of poignancy, watching my son walk beside his dad--where he looked so small, yet so tall and grown up all at the same time
--i've been discouraged, elated, rested, exhausted, thoughtful, carefree, so sad, so happy...and that was all in one day..., that's been life here in our house...amazing how so much yet not alot can happen in just a few short weeks.
how are you all doing?
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Tweety Boogers

But, the one thing that I hadn't settled on up until recently was her nickname. See, for those of you who know me, I have this habit of shortening names...Kristi is Kris or even K, Amy is Ame (sounds like 'Aim'), Sarah is Sare, Marie is Mare, and so on and so forth. I followed this trend with my own kids...Kieran being Kier and Bubba, Rory being Ror (sounds like 'roar') and baby girl...but Cait...well, not too easy to shorten her name and I do not want to call her caitie. So, just thought I'd see what names came naturally as she was around for the first little while, and was quite suprised at some of them. But, I've settled on here, in no particular order, are my baby girl Cait's nicknames (and a few pics too!):
(think these came from 'sweety' but ended up without the 's')

(I know, I know...boogers? It just comes out...and sounds cute too!)

(we used to call my little sister 'boo' so this one comes naturally)
Saturday, March 03, 2007
My sweet, sweet boy...
My son is truly the most amazing, funny, smart, gorgeous, imaginative boy I know. He makes me proud to be his mom every day. I cannot believe that he is five years old already. It truly seems like it was only yesterday that he was my sweet, long skinny beautiful baby...and now look at him. He is growing up so fast, and to be honest, lately I have felt like I'm missing out on alot of his life. I've been so busy with Cait, and all that comes along with a newborn, as well as just trying to get us through this time of transition as a family, that we haven't had a whole lot of one on one time.
So, today I just snuggled up in bed with him and just listened...for over 45 minutes. He just could not stop talking--telling me all about his friends at school and the 'bad decisions' they make...and how he sometimes makes bad decisions too...telling me a secret that he hasn't told anybody else, and just loving the fact that I was listening to him...and only him.
I must say that it was a hard time for me. Not to sit and listen for 45 minutes...I absolutely loved that. But, you should have seen his face...his eyes were sparkling and if he needed to go get something, he would look at me and tell me I couldn't leave...that he'd be right back. The reason it was so hard for me was because although I knew that these past three months have been tough on us as a family, and that I haven't spent much quality time with the older two as I usually do and love to....I was truly hoping that they hadn't really noticed. That it hadn't affected them that much. But, after today, I saw...that it had. And it made me sad. Even though I truly believe that accepting a new sibling into the family is really one of the greatest gifts I can give my kids--I was sad that my son has felt disconnected from me.
And then later, when I asked Kier and Rory what their favorite part of today was...Kier answered, quickly and with his eyes sparkling again, "Talking to you."
And I cried. And I'm crying now. But, it's a good cry. I finally feel reconnected with my baby boy...and that fills my heart truly to overflowing.
I love you, my sweet, sweet boy.
Steel Cut
I love Saturday mornings. My hubby is usually not in a rush to get up and go (until at least 8:30), and the older two are usually happy to watch shows for an hour or, as was the case this morning, build a fort in their room until Mommy and Daddy finally get up. Our baby has been an amazing sleeper lately! Example: she went to bed at 9:00 last night, woke up at 3:30 to eat, then right back to sleep, up at 6:30 to eat, then again, right back to sleep...and then woke up at 9:00 to eat, and was up, with smiles and giggles to start the day. My favorite way to wake up.
And so in my mind, a lazy morning requires a nice, relaxed breakfast to keep the mood going for as long as possible. Most mornings, we are not able to eat together as a family, as daddy is out of the house by 7:00am most mornings. So, Saturdays is often the one morning that we can not rush as fast into the day, and I definately milk it all I can!! ;)
So, this morning, I decided to start us all off with a grapefruit--a big deal, seeing as my 3 year old is in the stage where everything that's put in front of her is, amazingly, something she doesn't like. But, she at least tried a couple bites, while daddy and kier gobbled 3 up between the two of 'em. Then, onto the main course...steel cut oats! (hence the odd title). I heard Dr. Oz talk about these on Oprah awhile good they were for you, but couldn't remember the name for the longest time. Then, the other day while grocery shopping with the kids, I came around the corner and there, in a huge display of a new 'blue menu' items at the superstore, was big tins of Steel Cut Oats--and there I was...saying out loud to my kids and anyone else who was listening, "Steel Cut!! That's what it was! Steel Cut Oats!" So, I bought a tin and we finally tried them this morning. They were pretty good....for oatmeal.
You see, I've never been a fan of oatmeal--the consistency and taste mainly. But, I've decided that from now on, I will eat and try things, even if I don't think I'll like them--especially if their good for me. And, these are supposedly very good for you...
"Steel-Cut Oats are whole grain groats (the inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into two or three pieces using steel discs. Golden in colour and resembling mini rice particles, they are as nature intended – nothing added and nothing taken out. Grains are essential to a healthy lifestyle and form the foundation of the food pyramid. Steel-Cut oats are inherently full of nutritional value and are high in B-Vitamins, calcium, protein and fiber while low in salt and unsaturated fat. One cup of Steel-Cut oatmeal contains more fiber than a bran muffin and twice as much fibre as Cream of Wheat."
Well, that's the news here. Tell me what yoru favorite day/time of the week is and why. It's always fun to read about the special moments happening in your homes!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Just 'cause...
I love these kids!!
Haven't had the chance to blog in awhile, but love this pic of my kids and thought I'd share it with y'all!
The older two are so used to posing for pics that they have their 'cheese' smiles all ready...we're still workin' on Cait...but, she'll catch on soon.
Hope you are all well, and I hope to update with some fun posts soon. Have a great evening!
Friday, February 23, 2007
I had a good day today.
Got up and everyone ready and out the door by 9:15 to head to a doctor's appt. for Kier. It went well...very nice, thorough pediatrician...more on that another time.
Then, stopped in for a quick bite and coffee at a local diner called Troy's Diner. Not my favorite spot for atmosphere or cuisine, but nice to just relax for a half hour with my hubby and kids. Dashed out quickly when Cait realized it'd been 4 hours since she'd last eaten.
Came home. Fed Cait. And hung out with older two, asking them 'brain teasers' that they had got from Grampy. Smart kids.
The kids then got dressed up and played outside for an hour and a half.
Cute part: Kier bangs on kitchen patio door, and when I open it he says, 'Mommy, we're having alot of fun.' Then walks away.
Cute/eventually annoying part: Rory stands on front step yelling things to her brother...who is in the backyard. After listening for a couple minutes to her yell stuff and him reply with a huge 'WHAT?!!?', I suggest (strongly) to Rory to go to the backyard and talk to her brother there...which gets the reply, 'Oh. Ok, mommy.'
While the kids are outside and my baby sleeps (oh ya...did I mention I put her down and she cried for 9 minutes, then fell and stayed asleep for TWO HOURS!!?...I actually just tried it again and she only cried for 5 minutes and is sleeping again...not a routine quite yet, but made for a nice afternoon for mommy)...where was I? Oh playing, baby sleeping, and mommy....CLEANING! But, I was actually very happy to be cleaning. You know what it's like when you haven't given anything a really good cleaning in a long time....well, I was able to start laundry, wash both my kitchen and living room floors (to fully appreciate that one, re-read my post from January 31st), and clean ALL 3 bathrooms! May not sound like alot, but it felt great!
So, seeing as I have cleaning on the brain, I was inspired to compile a list of my favorite cleaning tips I've learned over the years (mostly from one friend, who shall remain nameless):
1. A mop isn't the enemy I once thought it was. I used to hate using mops...until I had hardwood floors covering 3/4 of my downstairs and the need to clean them every coupld days (at least!). So, my friend tried several 'gadgety items' that promised sparkling floors, but to no avail. Then, with the combination of hot, hot water, a dash of vinegar, a sponge mop, and a small towel, our back-breaking days were over. Now, don't get me wrong...I still get on my hands and knees for all the other non-carpeted floors, and of course, those baseboards in my living room/entryway don't clean themselves, but I am so happy to have a relatively easy way to clean my floors, that doesn't take long, and doesn't kill my back and knees every time!
2. Toilets--my nameless friend called me excited about two years ago with what I thought wasn't the most exciting news: "Did you know you can take the whole toilet seat OFF and pull it all apart?!" But, since that call, I have been cleaning my toilets this way, and love how clean it gets 'em. Especially with two boys. (now, don't get me wrong...both my boys are very clean and careful, but no one's perfect...ok...too much info...sorry). I just pulled all three toilet seats off and cleached and scrubbed until I could've almost served dinner off of 'em. Almost.
3. Electrosol Dishwasher Tabs: I used to buy Cascade powder, and swore by it, even though it was pricey, but since we tried these tabs 3 1/2 months ago, I'm hooked. There's no messy powder flying wondering if you put enough detergent annoying little detergent flecks all over your cupboard. Just clean dishes, no hassle, and a good deal. We bought a big tin of them for $15 in November and I just ran out two days ago! And, I run my dishwasher almost every day! So, my sis just picked us up two more canisters at Costco--and they were on sale for $10 each! I love a good deal!!
Speaking of good deals, wait till I post about some of the great deals I got Value Village/Goodwill shopping yesterday with Sarah. But, that's another day.
So, hope you all had a good day as well. And let me know what some of your favorite cleaning tips/shortcuts are...we gotta stick together girls!
Got up and everyone ready and out the door by 9:15 to head to a doctor's appt. for Kier. It went well...very nice, thorough pediatrician...more on that another time.
Then, stopped in for a quick bite and coffee at a local diner called Troy's Diner. Not my favorite spot for atmosphere or cuisine, but nice to just relax for a half hour with my hubby and kids. Dashed out quickly when Cait realized it'd been 4 hours since she'd last eaten.
Came home. Fed Cait. And hung out with older two, asking them 'brain teasers' that they had got from Grampy. Smart kids.
The kids then got dressed up and played outside for an hour and a half.
Cute part: Kier bangs on kitchen patio door, and when I open it he says, 'Mommy, we're having alot of fun.' Then walks away.
Cute/eventually annoying part: Rory stands on front step yelling things to her brother...who is in the backyard. After listening for a couple minutes to her yell stuff and him reply with a huge 'WHAT?!!?', I suggest (strongly) to Rory to go to the backyard and talk to her brother there...which gets the reply, 'Oh. Ok, mommy.'
While the kids are outside and my baby sleeps (oh ya...did I mention I put her down and she cried for 9 minutes, then fell and stayed asleep for TWO HOURS!!?...I actually just tried it again and she only cried for 5 minutes and is sleeping again...not a routine quite yet, but made for a nice afternoon for mommy)...where was I? Oh playing, baby sleeping, and mommy....CLEANING! But, I was actually very happy to be cleaning. You know what it's like when you haven't given anything a really good cleaning in a long time....well, I was able to start laundry, wash both my kitchen and living room floors (to fully appreciate that one, re-read my post from January 31st), and clean ALL 3 bathrooms! May not sound like alot, but it felt great!
So, seeing as I have cleaning on the brain, I was inspired to compile a list of my favorite cleaning tips I've learned over the years (mostly from one friend, who shall remain nameless):
1. A mop isn't the enemy I once thought it was. I used to hate using mops...until I had hardwood floors covering 3/4 of my downstairs and the need to clean them every coupld days (at least!). So, my friend tried several 'gadgety items' that promised sparkling floors, but to no avail. Then, with the combination of hot, hot water, a dash of vinegar, a sponge mop, and a small towel, our back-breaking days were over. Now, don't get me wrong...I still get on my hands and knees for all the other non-carpeted floors, and of course, those baseboards in my living room/entryway don't clean themselves, but I am so happy to have a relatively easy way to clean my floors, that doesn't take long, and doesn't kill my back and knees every time!
2. Toilets--my nameless friend called me excited about two years ago with what I thought wasn't the most exciting news: "Did you know you can take the whole toilet seat OFF and pull it all apart?!" But, since that call, I have been cleaning my toilets this way, and love how clean it gets 'em. Especially with two boys. (now, don't get me wrong...both my boys are very clean and careful, but no one's perfect...ok...too much info...sorry). I just pulled all three toilet seats off and cleached and scrubbed until I could've almost served dinner off of 'em. Almost.
3. Electrosol Dishwasher Tabs: I used to buy Cascade powder, and swore by it, even though it was pricey, but since we tried these tabs 3 1/2 months ago, I'm hooked. There's no messy powder flying wondering if you put enough detergent annoying little detergent flecks all over your cupboard. Just clean dishes, no hassle, and a good deal. We bought a big tin of them for $15 in November and I just ran out two days ago! And, I run my dishwasher almost every day! So, my sis just picked us up two more canisters at Costco--and they were on sale for $10 each! I love a good deal!!
Speaking of good deals, wait till I post about some of the great deals I got Value Village/Goodwill shopping yesterday with Sarah. But, that's another day.
So, hope you all had a good day as well. And let me know what some of your favorite cleaning tips/shortcuts are...we gotta stick together girls!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
I'm beginning to see the truth to this statement...
..."I'll sleep when I'm dead."
There. No happy, thought-provoking posts here.
I think i'll actually boycott such posts until i'm well-rested and am feeling like a human again.
So, check back in approximately ten years. Maybe fifteen.
There. No happy, thought-provoking posts here.
I think i'll actually boycott such posts until i'm well-rested and am feeling like a human again.
So, check back in approximately ten years. Maybe fifteen.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Quick Update
Have had a couple of crazy are the high and low lights:
--kier was sick for a whole week with a fever and then as he started to get better, I began to feel sick...and boy, did I ever get sick...I had strep throat, double ear infections, the flu, and migraines. It was horrible. But, it's over now.
--recovered for a couple days then went on a road trip with my great friend Sarah, her son Joe, and my two girls, to Ottawa to visit Marie! Such a great time, and so great to get out of my house and get away. We went sliding and skating on the canal...great time! It was a little more challenging with three young kids, one of whom is being breastfed (try doing that through six layers of clothes, and in -29 weather...not so much fun), but I am so glad we went and would loveto goback next year!
--it was so great spending time with Marie again...she's such a sweetie, and has such a cute house and a gorgeous family. Marie, thank you again for allowing me and my fam come andstay with're awesome!
--and Sarah, I had a great time travelling with you and our kids...they did so good...and thank you for inviting me to crash your time with your wonderful're a great friend.
--and now, i'm back home and not feeling as 'trapped' as I was last week. had a coffee with sarah today, and then got lots of cleaning done...good day.
so, now it'safter 11, and i'm off to bed...there's a huge storm starting right now, and school has already been cancelled, so it should be a fun valentine's day here at the stanley' and the kids will make some banana bread for daddy, and i'll make some chocolate chip cookies for the kids (they're favorite)...well, at least that's my goals anyway. ;) Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
--kier was sick for a whole week with a fever and then as he started to get better, I began to feel sick...and boy, did I ever get sick...I had strep throat, double ear infections, the flu, and migraines. It was horrible. But, it's over now.
--recovered for a couple days then went on a road trip with my great friend Sarah, her son Joe, and my two girls, to Ottawa to visit Marie! Such a great time, and so great to get out of my house and get away. We went sliding and skating on the canal...great time! It was a little more challenging with three young kids, one of whom is being breastfed (try doing that through six layers of clothes, and in -29 weather...not so much fun), but I am so glad we went and would loveto goback next year!
--it was so great spending time with Marie again...she's such a sweetie, and has such a cute house and a gorgeous family. Marie, thank you again for allowing me and my fam come andstay with're awesome!
--and Sarah, I had a great time travelling with you and our kids...they did so good...and thank you for inviting me to crash your time with your wonderful're a great friend.
--and now, i'm back home and not feeling as 'trapped' as I was last week. had a coffee with sarah today, and then got lots of cleaning done...good day.
so, now it'safter 11, and i'm off to bed...there's a huge storm starting right now, and school has already been cancelled, so it should be a fun valentine's day here at the stanley' and the kids will make some banana bread for daddy, and i'll make some chocolate chip cookies for the kids (they're favorite)...well, at least that's my goals anyway. ;) Happy Valentine's Day to you all!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Lofty Goals
Yesterday I woke up tired, yet determined to try to clean at least some of the filth in my house. Here were my goals:
--sweep my kitchen and living room and entryway
--mop all above floors
--finish 'helping' the kids clean the basement (ie-put their toys away, hang up their many costumes, and pick up the garbage that's accumulated since I last reorganized the basement in December).
Fair goals, I thought. Not too much, but enough to be encouraging when it was all finally completed.
But, unfortunately, I learned quickly that, not only were these goals unbelievably 'lofty', they were completely unattainable. I'll explain why.
At 8:30 I began feeding the kids breakfast--a huge accomplishment seeing as it's been closer to 10:00 for the past few weeks. Cait is screaming to be fed, although she's not really 'due' to eat for another hour. So, I throw yogurt, juice, apples, and toast on the table, call it breakfast and begin feeding Cait. By 9:00, the kids are finished breakfast and headed to play in the basement, for a 'few' minutes, while Mommy says, "Let me just finish feeding Cait, and cleaning the floors, and I'll be down soon. Then, my lovely children, we will commence cleaning the basement together. And then we will have lunch."
Ya right. Had I known what would really happen, I probably would've sat down on the couch and had a good laugh at the absurdity of my plans. But, I didn't know, and so I continued on.
With Cait fed and burped, I promply placed her in her little rocking chair, grabbed the broom, and began sweeping my kitchen. Cait began fussing. Found her soother on the floor. Licked it clean. Inserted it in her mouth, while rocking her and telling her that she was fine. Telling her. Not suggesting it. She was fine. So, off to sleep now. Mommy's got cleanin' to do. And, for a few minutes she was fine.
A few minutes later, I was back to sweeping the floor and actually really looking at it for the first time in...well, too long. And it was not a pretty sight. I moved onto the livingroom, and checked the time: 10:15. WHAT?! That can't be right. I check again. Yep, 10:16 now. Ok. I pick up the pace and start sweeping like I'm in the Curling Championships. Cait begins fussing now. I yell from the hallway that, yet again, 'you're alright.' She apparently doesn't agree and within seconds is in a full-blown scream. I rush over, find her soother, insert it in her wide-open mouth, she realizes what I'm trying to do, and gets even more mad. I check the time. 10:21. Wait a minute. She can't be hungry now. It's only been...2 hours. Oh. She's 7 weeks old. Oh ya...growth spurt. Ok. Quick break. Feed Cait.
It's now 11:10, and Cait's fed, burped and ready once again for the loving cuddle of her rocking chair. I grab the broom, and finish sweeping in record time. Run downstairs and grab the mop. Throw a load in the washer while I'm there. Tell my other two kids that lunch will be ready soon, and run back upstairs, mop in hand, ready to tackle the dirt and grime.
Begin putting all the kitchen chairs onto tables & counters, and notice that they too, could use a scrubbing. Try to move past this thought by convincing myself that I'll get to them 'tomorrow.' (ya, right). 11:35 now, and I begin mopping the kitchen floor. Finish at 12:05. Big kitchen? Nope. Just kept busy refereeing my oldest two, as they begin to get on each other's nerves and get hungry...busy giving Cait her soother and rocking her...busy answering the phone and taking messages for my hubby, who, lucky guy, is out for the morning.
Begin moving chairs around in living room and finally start mopping. Several more distractions later, finally finish mopping floor. Decide to forget about cleaning entryway. Will do it 'later.' Now, it's 12:30. Kids are sitting at top of basement stairs, begging for food and water. Tell them to wait 10 more minutes, and run through mental checklist of lunch ideas: kraft dinner? none left. shoot. sandwich's? no meat, or cheese. shoot again. check pantry: can of tomato soup. Bingo! Tomato soup and grilled cheese it is! Except only have cheese slices...will have to do today. Whip up lunch and get kids settled.
Cait is now stirring, wanting to eat again really soon. Thankfully, my sister holds her while I inhale my lunch, and then I feed my baby once again. I then decide to try to find the humor in my morning, and leave a message for my friend Sarah, 'bragging' about all that I got accomplished...and it only took 4 hours!!
All that to say, the rest of the day was a wash--my son's fever (3rd day) spiked up again after lunch, I gave up my goal of cleaning the basement, and spent the rest of the afternoon with my girls, feeding,burping,and rocking one, while watching the other do dance after dance...all the while fighting 'guilt-driven' thoughts: I didn't accomplish my goals--what a lousy wife/homemaker, I ignored my kids all morning--what a lousy mom. Stupid thoughts, I know. Untrue. I know.
But, still thoughts to work through...and struggle with, on this journey they call motherhood.
--sweep my kitchen and living room and entryway
--mop all above floors
--finish 'helping' the kids clean the basement (ie-put their toys away, hang up their many costumes, and pick up the garbage that's accumulated since I last reorganized the basement in December).
Fair goals, I thought. Not too much, but enough to be encouraging when it was all finally completed.
But, unfortunately, I learned quickly that, not only were these goals unbelievably 'lofty', they were completely unattainable. I'll explain why.
At 8:30 I began feeding the kids breakfast--a huge accomplishment seeing as it's been closer to 10:00 for the past few weeks. Cait is screaming to be fed, although she's not really 'due' to eat for another hour. So, I throw yogurt, juice, apples, and toast on the table, call it breakfast and begin feeding Cait. By 9:00, the kids are finished breakfast and headed to play in the basement, for a 'few' minutes, while Mommy says, "Let me just finish feeding Cait, and cleaning the floors, and I'll be down soon. Then, my lovely children, we will commence cleaning the basement together. And then we will have lunch."
Ya right. Had I known what would really happen, I probably would've sat down on the couch and had a good laugh at the absurdity of my plans. But, I didn't know, and so I continued on.
With Cait fed and burped, I promply placed her in her little rocking chair, grabbed the broom, and began sweeping my kitchen. Cait began fussing. Found her soother on the floor. Licked it clean. Inserted it in her mouth, while rocking her and telling her that she was fine. Telling her. Not suggesting it. She was fine. So, off to sleep now. Mommy's got cleanin' to do. And, for a few minutes she was fine.
A few minutes later, I was back to sweeping the floor and actually really looking at it for the first time in...well, too long. And it was not a pretty sight. I moved onto the livingroom, and checked the time: 10:15. WHAT?! That can't be right. I check again. Yep, 10:16 now. Ok. I pick up the pace and start sweeping like I'm in the Curling Championships. Cait begins fussing now. I yell from the hallway that, yet again, 'you're alright.' She apparently doesn't agree and within seconds is in a full-blown scream. I rush over, find her soother, insert it in her wide-open mouth, she realizes what I'm trying to do, and gets even more mad. I check the time. 10:21. Wait a minute. She can't be hungry now. It's only been...2 hours. Oh. She's 7 weeks old. Oh ya...growth spurt. Ok. Quick break. Feed Cait.
It's now 11:10, and Cait's fed, burped and ready once again for the loving cuddle of her rocking chair. I grab the broom, and finish sweeping in record time. Run downstairs and grab the mop. Throw a load in the washer while I'm there. Tell my other two kids that lunch will be ready soon, and run back upstairs, mop in hand, ready to tackle the dirt and grime.
Begin putting all the kitchen chairs onto tables & counters, and notice that they too, could use a scrubbing. Try to move past this thought by convincing myself that I'll get to them 'tomorrow.' (ya, right). 11:35 now, and I begin mopping the kitchen floor. Finish at 12:05. Big kitchen? Nope. Just kept busy refereeing my oldest two, as they begin to get on each other's nerves and get hungry...busy giving Cait her soother and rocking her...busy answering the phone and taking messages for my hubby, who, lucky guy, is out for the morning.
Begin moving chairs around in living room and finally start mopping. Several more distractions later, finally finish mopping floor. Decide to forget about cleaning entryway. Will do it 'later.' Now, it's 12:30. Kids are sitting at top of basement stairs, begging for food and water. Tell them to wait 10 more minutes, and run through mental checklist of lunch ideas: kraft dinner? none left. shoot. sandwich's? no meat, or cheese. shoot again. check pantry: can of tomato soup. Bingo! Tomato soup and grilled cheese it is! Except only have cheese slices...will have to do today. Whip up lunch and get kids settled.
Cait is now stirring, wanting to eat again really soon. Thankfully, my sister holds her while I inhale my lunch, and then I feed my baby once again. I then decide to try to find the humor in my morning, and leave a message for my friend Sarah, 'bragging' about all that I got accomplished...and it only took 4 hours!!
All that to say, the rest of the day was a wash--my son's fever (3rd day) spiked up again after lunch, I gave up my goal of cleaning the basement, and spent the rest of the afternoon with my girls, feeding,burping,and rocking one, while watching the other do dance after dance...all the while fighting 'guilt-driven' thoughts: I didn't accomplish my goals--what a lousy wife/homemaker, I ignored my kids all morning--what a lousy mom. Stupid thoughts, I know. Untrue. I know.
But, still thoughts to work through...and struggle with, on this journey they call motherhood.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Snapshots and Sappy Thoughts's beginning. Already.
My baby is growing up. Too fast.
That's the reason for the following random pics of my kids. Just snapshots. No big event. No milestones crossed. Just a few pictures of my kids doing random, mundane, every day things. Because they are all growing up way too fast. And, if taking these pictures, freezes them for one millisecond, then today, that's what I'll do. (I warned you about the sappyness).

Monday, January 22, 2007
Sinking Suspicions...
Thought I'd post a couple pics of my oldest girl, sportin' her 'funny hat' (her term) that she decided to wear during lunch the other day. She found it in the hat basket, decided that she wanted to wear it during lunch. She's definately growing up and becoming her own 'little woman' lately...and just like all of us women, when she finds a piece of clothing that makes her feel good, she's just gotta wear it! ;)
Unfortunately for me, this means that she changes probably twenty times a day, so next thing on the list is teaching her how to fold and put away her many outfits.
Why do I have the sinking suspicion that this is only the beginning of the many conversations we'll have on clothes, what not to wear, and cleaning her room?
Thursday, January 11, 2007
A Better Day...

Here's my baby, sleeping peacefully, face shoved into Daddy's chest...her favorite sleeping position. So cute.
I had a great day today. Not a whole lot more rested then any other days, but was up and going at a decent hour, tidied the house a bit, and then headed out with my great friend Sarah, for a much needed long walk and stop at Starbucks. She treated me to a very yummy chai latte (thanks again!)! It was so nice to be out in the fresh air, and to get out for some exercise too. I am feeling pretty good physically most days, but wanna be sure to be getting out for walks as much as possible. I get an extra workout as I walk as well, pushing both Rory and Cait in the double stroller! ;)
In other news, we finally got our camera back from getting fixed and so far, so good. So, I think I'll post a couple new pics of Cait. I wanna try to figure out how to make my pics and blog look cooler, but for now, I'll just post the pics and let you enjoy 'em! A couple of 'em are pretty dark, as the loaner camera they gave us while ours was getting fixed was awful, but here they are to bed I must go!

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